Bilingual stories

Drácula como história de fogueira

Era uma vez, numa terra distante chamada Transilvânia, havia um castelo muito antigo.

Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Transylvania, there was a very old castle.

Ficava numa montanha alta, rodeada de florestas escuras.

It stood on a high mountain, with dark forests around it.

O castelo pertencia a um homem estranho e misterioso.

The castle belonged to a strange and mysterious man.

Um dia, um homem chamado Jonathan Harker teve de visitar o Conde.

His name was Count Dracula. The Strange Castle One day, a man named Jonathan Harker had to visit the Count.

Jonathan era um jovem que trabalhava como advogado na Inglaterra.

Jonathan was a young man who worked as a lawyer in England.

Ele ia ajudar o Conde Drácula a comprar uma casa em Inglaterra.

He was going to help Count Dracula buy a house in England.

Jonathan não sabia muito sobre o Conde, mas as pessoas da aldeia avisaram-no para ter cuidado.

Jonathan did not know much about the Count, but people in the village warned him to be careful.

"Cuidado com o Conde Drácula!" diziam os aldeões.

"Be careful of Count Dracula!" the villagers said.

"Ele não é um homem comum".

"He is not an ordinary man."

Deram ao Jonathan um alho e uma cruz, dizendo que o protegeria do mal.

They gave Jonathan garlic and a cross, saying it would protect him from evil.

Jonathan não entendia porquê, mas levou o alho e a cruz com ele mesmo assim.

Jonathan did not understand why, but he took the garlic and the cross with him anyway.

Quando Jonathan chegou ao castelo, era noite.

When Jonathan arrived at the castle, it was nighttime.

O castelo era velho e escuro, com portas grandes e pesadas.

The castle was old and dark, with big, heavy doors.

O Conde deu-lhe as boas-vindas.

The Count welcomed him inside.

O Conde Drácula era alto e magro, de pele pálida.

Count Dracula was tall and thin, with pale skin.

Seus olhos eram vermelhos, e seus dentes eram muito afiados.

His eyes were red, and his teeth were very sharp.

Ele falou muito educadamente, mas havia algo estranho nele que fez Jonathan sentir-se nervoso.

He spoke very politely, but there was something strange about him that made Jonathan feel nervous.

No início, tudo parecia bem.

Dracula’s Secrets At first, everything seemed fine.

O Jonathan trabalhou nos papéis para o Conde.

Jonathan worked on the papers for the Count.

Mas com o passar dos dias, Jonathan começou a notar coisas estranhas sobre o castelo.

But as the days passed, Jonathan started to notice strange things about the castle.

Não havia espelhos em lado nenhum.

There were no mirrors anywhere.

E sempre que Jonathan se cortava, o Conde olhava para o sangue com olhos famintos.

And whenever Jonathan cut himself, the Count would stare at the blood with hungry eyes.

Uma noite, Jonathan viu algo realmente assustador.

One night, Jonathan saw something truly terrifying.

Ele olhou pela janela e viu o Conde Drácula a descer pelas paredes do castelo como uma aranha!

He looked out of his window and saw Count Dracula climbing down the walls of the castle like a spider!

Jonathan sabia então que o Conde não era um homem comum.

Jonathan knew then that the Count was no ordinary man.

Ele era algo mau.

He was something evil.

O Conde Drácula era um vampiro.

Count Dracula was a **vampire**.

Os vampiros são criaturas que vivem no escuro.

Vampires are creatures that live in the dark.

Eles bebem o sangue dos vivos para se manterem vivos.

They drink the blood of the living to stay alive.

São muito fortes, mas têm fraquezas.

They are very strong, but they have weaknesses.

Os vampiros não podem sair durante o dia porque a luz do sol os queima.

Vampires cannot go out during the day because sunlight burns them.

Também têm medo de alho, cruzes e estacas de madeira.

They are also afraid of garlic, crosses, and wooden stakes.

Jonathan percebeu que estava em grande perigo.

Jonathan realized he was in great danger.

Ele tentou sair do castelo, mas as portas estavam trancadas.

He tried to leave the castle, but the doors were locked.

O Conde Drácula tinha-o preso.

Count Dracula had him trapped.

A fuga e o plano Jonathan finalmente encontrou uma maneira de escapar.

Escape and the Plan Jonathan eventually found a way to escape.

Ele correu através das florestas e montanhas até chegar a uma aldeia.

He ran through the forests and mountains until he reached a village.

Estava cansado e com medo, mas estava livre do castelo.

He was tired and afraid, but he was free from the castle.

Jonathan voltou para Inglaterra, mas não sabia que o Conde Drácula também vinha.

Jonathan returned to England, but he did not know that Count Dracula was coming too.

O Conde queria encontrar novas vítimas em Inglaterra, onde ninguém sabia o que ele realmente era.

The Count wanted to find new victims in England, where no one knew what he really was.

Ele viajou num grande navio, trazendo consigo caixas de terra do seu castelo.

He traveled in a big ship, bringing with him boxes of dirt from his castle.

O navio chegou à costa inglesa, mas não havia ninguém vivo a bordo.

The ship arrived at the English coast, but there was no one alive on board.

As pessoas ficaram muito assustadas quando encontraram o navio, mas não sabiam por que todos os marinheiros haviam desaparecido.

People were very frightened when they found the ship, but they did not know why all the sailors had disappeared.

Na Inglaterra, o Conde Drácula encontrou uma jovem chamada Lucy.

In England, Count Dracula found a young woman named Lucy.

Ela era bonita e gentil, mas logo ficou doente.

She was beautiful and kind, but soon she became sick.

Sua amiga Mina, que era noiva de Jonathan, estava preocupada com ela.

Her friend Mina, who was Jonathan’s fiancée, worried about her.

A Lucy ficou mais fraca a cada dia.

Lucy got weaker and weaker every day.

Dormia o tempo todo e acordava com marcas estranhas no pescoço.

She would sleep all the time and wake up with strange marks on her neck.

Mina não sabia o que fazer.

Mina didn’t know what to do.

Ela pediu ajuda a um médico chamado Professor Van Helsing.

She asked a doctor named Professor Van Helsing for help.

Van Helsing era muito sábio e já tinha visto coisas estranhas antes.

Van Helsing was very wise and had seen strange things before.

Ele soube logo que Lucy não estava doente de uma doença normal.

He knew right away that Lucy was not sick from a normal illness.

Ela tinha sido mordida por um vampiro!

She had been bitten by a vampire!

O Van Helsing tentou salvar a Lucy.

Van Helsing’s Fight Van Helsing tried to save Lucy.

Pôs alho à volta da cama dela para a proteger do vampiro, mas era tarde demais.

He put garlic around her bed to protect her from the vampire, but it was too late.

A Lucy tinha perdido muito sangue e morreu.

Lucy had lost too much blood, and she died.

Mas isso não era o fim.

But that was not the end.

A Lucy também se tornou vampira.

Lucy became a vampire too.

Começou a vaguear pela noite, à procura de pessoas para morder.

She started to roam the night, looking for people to bite.

O Van Helsing sabia que tinham de parar a Lucy.

Van Helsing knew they had to stop Lucy.

Ele e seus amigos foram ao túmulo dela, e lá a encontraram dormindo.

He and his friends went to her grave, and there they found her sleeping.

Parecia serena, mas eles sabiam que ela já não era a Lucy que amavam.

She looked peaceful, but they knew she was no longer the Lucy they loved.

Com o coração pesado, Van Helsing atravessou o coração dela com uma estaca de madeira.

With a heavy heart, Van Helsing drove a wooden stake through her heart.

A alma da Lucy estava finalmente livre e em paz.

Lucy’s soul was finally free, and she was at peace.

Mas o perigo real ainda estava lá fora.

But the real danger was still out there.

O Conde Drácula ainda estava vivo e estava a ficar mais forte.

Count Dracula was still alive, and he was getting stronger.

Van Helsing, Jonathan, Mina e alguns amigos fizeram um plano para parar o Drácula antes que ele pudesse magoar mais alguém.

Van Helsing, Jonathan, Mina, and some friends made a plan to stop Dracula before he could hurt anyone else.

Eles descobriram que Drácula precisava dormir no solo de sua terra natal, Transilvânia, para manter seus poderes.

The Chase Begins They learned that Dracula needed to sleep in the soil from his homeland, Transylvania, to keep his powers.

Ele tinha trazido caixas deste solo com ele para a Inglaterra.

He had brought boxes of this soil with him to England.

Van Helsing e os seus amigos foram à caça para encontrar estas caixas e destruí-las.

Van Helsing and his friends went on a hunt to find these boxes and destroy them.

Sem o seu solo especial, Drácula seria mais fraco, e eles poderiam derrotá-lo.

Without his special soil, Dracula would be weaker, and they could defeat him.

O grupo trabalhou duro, procurando Drácula e seus esconderijos.

The group worked hard, searching for Dracula and his hiding places.

Encontraram muitas caixas e destruíram-nas, mas o Drácula era esperto.

They found many of the boxes and destroyed them, but Dracula was clever.

Ele fugiu delas várias vezes.

He escaped from them again and again.

O Conde sabia que estavam atrás dele, e ficou muito zangado.

The Count knew they were after him, and he became very angry.

Uma noite, o Drácula atacou a Mina.

One night, Dracula attacked Mina.

Ele mordeu-a e bebeu o sangue dela.

He bit her and drank her blood.

Pior, ele fez-a beber o seu sangue também.

Worse, he made her drink his blood, too.

A Mina estava ligada ao Drácula.

Now Mina was connected to Dracula.

Ela podia ouvir os pensamentos dele, e ele podia controlá-la.

She could hear his thoughts, and he could control her.

Mina estava em perigo, mas era também a sua maior esperança.

Mina was in terrible danger, but she was also their greatest hope.

Com a ajuda dela, poderiam rastrear os movimentos de Drácula e encontrar o seu esconderijo.

With her help, they could track Dracula’s movements and find his hiding place.

A Viagem à Transilvânia Drácula sabia que estava em perigo, por isso fugiu de volta para o seu castelo na Transilvânia.

The Journey to Transylvania Dracula knew he was in danger, so he fled back to his castle in Transylvania.

Van Helsing e os outros seguiram-no.

Van Helsing and the others followed him.

Viajaram durante muitos dias, através da terra e do mar, para chegarem à casa dos vampiros.

They traveled for many days, across land and sea, to reach the vampire’s home.

O tempo estava a esgotar-se.

Time was running out.

Se o Drácula atingisse o seu castelo, estaria seguro novamente, e talvez nunca o detivessem.

If Dracula reached his castle, he would be safe again, and they might never stop him.

Quando chegaram à Transilvânia, enfrentaram muitos desafios.

When they arrived in Transylvania, they faced many challenges.

Os servos de Drácula tentaram detê-los.

Dracula’s servants tried to stop them.

Lobos e criaturas estranhas atacaram-nos à noite, mas Van Helsing e os seus amigos foram corajosos.

Wolves and strange creatures attacked them in the night, but Van Helsing and his friends were brave.

Lutaram contra todos os perigos para chegar ao castelo.

They fought through every danger to reach the castle.

Finalmente, chegaram ao castelo de Drácula.

The Final Battle At last, they arrived at Dracula’s castle.

O sol estava se pondo, e eles sabiam que tinham de agir rapidamente.

The sun was setting, and they knew they had to act quickly.

Uma vez chegada a noite, o Drácula estaria em pleno vigor.

Once night came, Dracula would be at his full strength.

Encontraram-no no caixão, onde dormia durante o dia.

They found him in his coffin, where he slept during the day.

Com o sol ainda no céu, tinham uma última hipótese de o derrotar.

With the sun still in the sky, they had one last chance to defeat him.

O Jonathan e o Van Helsing trabalharam juntos.

Jonathan and Van Helsing worked together.

Levaram a estaca de madeira e enfiaram-na no coração do Drácula.

They lifted the wooden stake and drove it through Dracula’s heart.

O Conde gritou de dor, mas era tarde demais.

The Count screamed in pain, but it was too late.

O seu corpo transformou-se em pó e foi finalmente destruído.

His body turned to dust, and he was finally destroyed.

Com o Drácula morto, a maldição da Mina foi quebrada.

With Dracula gone, the curse on Mina was broken.

Ela estava livre, assim como todas as pessoas que o Drácula tinha magoado.

She was free, and so were all the people Dracula had hurt.

O mal do vampiro já não existia.

The evil of the vampire was no more.

O Fim... ou É?

The End... or Is It?

Os amigos regressaram a Inglaterra, sabendo que tinham salvado o mundo de um grande mal.

The friends returned to England, knowing they had saved the world from a great evil.

Mas às vezes, quando a noite está escura e o vento uivar pelas árvores, as pessoas dizem que ainda se pode ouvir a voz de Drácula.

But sometimes, when the night is very dark and the wind howls through the trees, people say you can still hear Dracula’s voice.

Talvez, apenas talvez, ele ainda esteja lá fora, à espera do momento perfeito para voltar...

Maybe, just maybe, he is still out there, waiting for the perfect moment to return...