Bilingual stories

Uma viagem ao centro da Terra

Era uma vez, na movimentada cidade de Hamburgo, na Alemanha, um professor chamado Otto Lidenbrock.

Once upon a time, in the busy city of Hamburg, Germany, lived a professor named Otto Lidenbrock.

Era muito inteligente e adorava estudar rochas e livros antigos.

He was very smart and loved studying rocks and old books.

O Professor Lidenbrock tinha um sobrinho chamado Axel que vivia com ele.

Professor Lidenbrock had a young nephew named Axel who lived with him.

Axel era um menino gentil e curioso que gostava de ajudar seu tio com seus estudos.

Axel was a kind and curious boy who enjoyed helping his uncle with his studies.

Numa manhã ensolarada, o Professor Lidenbrock encontrou um livro velho numa pequena loja.

One sunny morning, Professor Lidenbrock found an old book in a small shop.

O livro era muito velho e empoeirado.

The book was very old and dusty.

Ele comprou-o e correu para casa para mostrá-lo ao Axel.

He bought it and hurried home to show it to Axel.

Eles abriram o livro juntos e encontraram um pedaço de papel misterioso dentro.

They opened the book together and found a mysterious piece of paper inside.

O papel tinha símbolos estranhos e letras que eles não conseguiam entender.

The paper had strange symbols and letters that they couldn't understand.

O Professor Lidenbrock estava muito entusiasmado.

Professor Lidenbrock was very excited.

Ele pensou que o jornal tinha uma mensagem secreta.

He thought the paper had a secret message.

Ele trabalhou dia e noite, tentando resolver o enigma.

He worked all day and night, trying to solve the puzzle.

O Axel ajudou-o, mas foi muito difícil.

Axel helped him, but it was very difficult.

Depois de muitas horas, Axel finalmente entendeu a mensagem secreta.

After many hours, Axel finally understood the secret message.

Dizia que havia um caminho para o centro da Terra!

It said that there was a way to the center of the Earth!

A mensagem era de um velho explorador islandês chamado Arne Saknussemm.

The message was from an old Icelandic explorer named Arne Saknussemm.

Ele escreveu que a entrada para o centro da Terra estava dentro de um vulcão na Islândia chamado Snæfellsjökull.

He wrote that the entrance to the center of the Earth was inside a volcano in Iceland called Snæfellsjökull.

O Professor Lidenbrock ficou emocionado.

Professor Lidenbrock was thrilled.

Queria ir imediatamente à Islândia para encontrar a entrada.

He wanted to go to Iceland immediately to find the entrance.

O Axel estava assustado, mas amava o tio e queria ajudá-lo.

Axel was scared, but he loved his uncle and wanted to help him.

Fizeram as malas e embarcaram para a Islândia.

They packed their bags and took a ship to Iceland.

A viagem foi longa e cansativa, mas finalmente chegaram a Reykjavik, a capital da Islândia.

The journey was long and tiring, but they finally arrived in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.

Em Reykjavik, encontraram um guia chamado Hans.

In Reykjavik, they met a guide named Hans.

Hans era um homem grande e forte que conhecia muito bem as montanhas islandesas.

Hans was a big, strong man who knew the Icelandic mountains very well.

Ele concordou em ajudá-los a encontrar Snæfellsjökull e os três começaram a viagem para o vulcão.

He agreed to help them find Snæfellsjökull. The three of them started their journey to the volcano.

Caminharam por muitos dias por montanhas rochosas e vales frios.

They walked for many days through rocky mountains and cold valleys.

Foi muito difícil, mas eles não desistiram.

It was very hard, but they did not give up.

Finalmente, chegaram ao Snæfellsjökull.

Finally, they reached Snæfellsjökull.

O vulcão era alto e coberto de gelo e neve.

The volcano was tall and covered in ice and snow.

Eles estavam prontos para começar a sua aventura para o centro da Terra.

They were ready to start their adventure to the center of the Earth. They found a cave at the top of the volcano.

De acordo com a mensagem, esta era a entrada.

According to the message, this was the entrance.

Entraram na caverna escura, e Hans acendeu uma lanterna para mostrar o caminho.

They entered the dark cave, and Hans lit a lantern to show the way.

Eles caminharam para baixo, para baixo, para baixo na Terra.

They walked down, down, down into the Earth.

O caminho era estreito e escorregadio.

The path was narrow and slippery.

Axel estava muito assustado, mas ele ficou perto de seu tio e Hans.

Axel was very scared, but he stayed close to his uncle and Hans. After many hours, they reached a big open space inside the Earth.

Era como um enorme mundo subterrâneo.

It was like a huge underground world.

Havia plantas estranhas e rochas brilhantes.

There were strange plants and glowing rocks.

Ficaram espantados com o que viram.

They were amazed by what they saw.

Caminharam mais e encontraram um grande mar subterrâneo.

They walked further and found a big underground sea.

A água estava quente e clara.

The water was warm and clear.

Havia cogumelos gigantes e criaturas estranhas perto do mar.

There were giant mushrooms and strange creatures living near the sea.

Eles construíram uma jangada para atravessar o mar.

They built a raft to cross the sea.

A viagem através da água era perigosa.

The journey across the water was dangerous.

Havia correntes fortes e ondas enormes.

There were strong currents and huge waves.

Mas o Hans era um marinheiro experiente, e manteve-os a salvo.

But Hans was a skilled sailor, and he kept them safe.

Eles viram muitas coisas incríveis no mar subterrâneo, como peixes gigantes e medusas brilhantes.

They saw many amazing things in the underground sea, like giant fish and glowing jellyfish.

Um dia, enquanto navegavam, viram um monstro marinho enorme.

One day, while they were sailing, they saw a huge sea monster.

Foi muito assustador, mas não os atacou.

It was very scary, but it did not attack them.

Ficaram muito aliviados e continuaram a viagem.

They were very relieved and continued their journey.

Depois de muitos dias, chegaram ao outro lado do mar.

After many days, they reached the other side of the sea.

Do outro lado, encontraram um túnel que ia mais fundo na Terra.

On the other side, they found a tunnel that went deeper into the Earth.

Seguiram o túnel e encontraram uma grande caverna com uma fonte quente e borbulhante.

They followed the tunnel and found a big cavern with a hot, bubbling spring.

O calor era muito intenso e eles estavam com muita sede.

The heat was very intense, and they were very thirsty.

Eles beberam um pouco de água da fonte e se sentiram melhor.

They drank some water from the spring and felt better.

Enquanto continuavam a viagem, de repente sentiram o chão tremer.

As they continued their journey, they suddenly felt the ground shaking.

Foi um terramoto!

It was an earthquake!

Começaram a cair pedras do tecto.

Rocks started falling from the ceiling.

Eles correram o mais rápido que puderam para escapar das pedras que caíam.

They ran as fast as they could to escape the falling rocks.

Encontraram outro túnel e entraram rapidamente nele.

They found another tunnel and quickly entered it.

O túnel levou-os para cima.

The tunnel led them upwards.

Eles caminharam por muitas horas.

They walked up for many hours.

O calor estava se tornando insuportável.

The heat was becoming unbearable.

Finalmente, viram luz no fim do túnel.

Finally, they saw light at the end of the tunnel.

Caminharam em direcção à luz e encontraram-se novamente dentro de um vulcão.

They walked towards the light and found themselves inside a volcano again.

Mas desta vez, era um vulcão diferente.

But this time, it was a different volcano.

Eles tinham viajado desde a Islândia até a Itália!

They had traveled all the way from Iceland to Italy!

Estavam dentro do vulcão Stromboli.

They were inside the Stromboli volcano.

Eles saíram rapidamente do vulcão e ficaram felizes de ver o céu azul novamente.

They quickly climbed out of the volcano and were happy to see the blue sky again.

Eles tinham conseguido voltar à superfície!

They had made it back to the surface!

Estavam cansados e sujos, mas muito felizes por estarem vivos.

They were tired and dirty but very happy to be alive.

Viajaram de volta para a Alemanha e contaram a todos sobre a sua incrível viagem.

They traveled back to Germany and told everyone about their incredible journey.

Muitas pessoas não acreditavam nelas, mas não se importavam.

Many people did not believe them, but they did not care.

O professor Lidenbrock continuou os seus estudos com ainda mais paixão, e Axel estava orgulhoso da sua viagem.

They had experienced the adventure of a lifetime and discovered amazing things deep inside the Earth. Professor Lidenbrock continued his studies with even more passion, and Axel was proud of their journey.

Hans voltou para a Islândia, feliz por ter ajudado numa aventura tão incrível.

Hans went back to Iceland, happy to have helped in such an incredible adventure.

Todos se lembraram da viagem ao centro da Terra para o resto das suas vidas.

They all remembered their journey to the center of the Earth for the rest of their lives.