


Clara Lairla


Daniel acaba de sufrir un desengaño amoroso. Toda su vida se ha visto trastocada y necesita huir de su pasado para encontrar un nuevo comienzo. Un Erasmus en Irlanda es la primera piedra de un camino nuevo que se abre a sus pies. Ana es enfermera en Nigeria, pero debido a la escalada de violencia que sufre la zona, se ve obligada a irse de allí y volver a España, dejando en África algo más que un trabajo. Ambos van encontrando poco a poco su sitio y consiguen rehacer sus nuevas vidas dejando atrás su pasado. Pero la vida no les deja acomodarse y parece querer deshacer de un bandazo todo lo reconstruido, obligándoles a volver de nuevo al punto del que habían huido, situado exactamente en un cruce inesperado.


Daniel is suffering from a failed relationship. His whole life is disrupted and he needs to run away from his past in order to find a new beginning. Living as an Erasmus in Ireland is the first step of a new life which opens right before him. Ana is a nurse in Nigeria, but because of the violence rise in that area, she must leave and travel back to Spain, leaving in Africa something more than just a job. Both of them slowly find their place and manage to rebuild their new lives, leaving behind their past. But life doesn't let them settle in and seems to want to break down in a marked shift all what they have rebuilt. It forces them to go back again to the point from which they had fled, which is situated at an unexpected crossroad.