

Man in White


哪里会想到那天有什么不一样呢? 那青年男子长衫雪白,手里一杆黑色长笛。 她不会让阿锦知道,她有多么爱慕那一袭飘飘的白衣,除了他,世上再没有哪个男人,能把白衣裳穿得那样好了。


It was 1944. A young woman had a crush on her boarding school teacher, Mr. Yun, in war-torn China. Before she could tell him how she felt, he left the school. Devastated, she and a friend went to look for him in the big city of Shanghai. The glamorous city was under Japanese occupation, and her crush was now arrested because of his writing. There was no one who could help him, unless she could ask the notorious mobster Du Yuesheng for help.